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LAMMA 2020
El 2020 acaba de empezar y nosotros ya estamos listos para la primera feria del año!
Nuestro equipo os espera al LAMMA Show, la feria de maquinaria agricola líder en el Reino Unido.
Nos vemos hoy y mañana en Birmingham, Pabellón 10 - Stand 10.442.
¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!
Deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos nuestros clientes, distribuidores, colegas y seguidores!
Un trabajo intenso, nuevas metas y momentos especiales han caracterizado el año que está a punto de terminar. Ahora es el momento de recargar las pilas y disfrutar de la Navidad con la familia y los amigos.
Prepárate para el 2020, ¡un increíble año nuevo te espera!
Agritechnica 2019 is over.
With 2.830 exhibitors and 450.000 visitors, Agritechnica has underlined it’s outstanding position as the world’s leading trade fair for agricultural technology.
We just want to say a big THANK YOU to all our customers, dealers, colleagues and friends for sharing this incredible edition with us. Great things come from a great team!
See you in Hannover in 2021, 14-20 November.
Muy orgullosos de anunciar este nuevo éxito!
Nuestra Unidad de Transmisión Variable ganó el "Trofeo de Sistemas y Componentes - Engineers' Choice" organizado por Agritechnica, en honor a los sistemas o componentes con un concepto nuevo o mejorado significativamente que puede hacer una contribución sustancial al desarrollo y realización de productos.
Happy Birthday Bondioli & Pavesi!
69 years of activity are an important milestone. The Company started in a garage in Suzzara (Mantova, Italy) on the 19th October 1950, founded by the only twenty-year-old Edi Bondioli with his partner Guido Pavesi. A lot of things have changed over the years, but the enterprising spirit and the passion for our work have remained the same.
Waiting for Agritechnica 2019
The new generation of Bondioli & Pavesi solutions is here.
Get ready to meet it at AGRITECHNICA 2019.
Hannover, November 10-16.
Ribbon-cutting of Agri Vietnam 2019 today in HCMC. The Consul General of Italy Dante Brandi and the Director of the Italian Trade Agency in Vietnam Paolo Lemma visiting the stands of the three Italian companies showcasing at the specialised Vietnam exhibition for machines, chemicals and products for agriculture. We are honored to represent our country in Vietnam!
Un nuovo Maestro del Lavoro
Il 1° maggio è una giornata importante per i lavoratori, non solo perché ricorre la loro festa, ma anche perché alcuni colleghi vengono decorati con la “Stella al Merito del Lavoro". Nella cerimonia di quest'anno a Milano è stato insignito anche Riccardo Mosconi, con noi in Azienda dal giugno 1988 e responsabile dell’area tecnico-commerciale per gli alberi cardanici e le scatole a ingranaggi.
Happy 25th anniversary B&P Poland
Yesterday was a very special day for our colleagues from Bondioli & Pavesi Poland. Our Polish branch celebrated its first 25 years since the foundation in Słupsk, in April 1994.
The event was organized in order to say a big "thank you" to all our longtime and new customers, dealers and constructors that trusted in our capacities and potential during these years.
Il 4 giugno saremo presenti al Career Day dell'Università di Ferrara, l'evento dedicato all'incontro tra le imprese e gli studenti dell'Ateneo che vogliono muovere i primi passi nel mondo del Lavoro.
Il nostro HR Team vi aspetta sullo stand e alla presentazione aziendale che si terrà dalle 10:30 alle 11:00 presso l'Aula 2 del Polo Scientifico Tecnologico in Via Saragat 1 a Ferrara.
Intercambiadores agua listos para salir!
Desde FIRA hasta España: los intercambiadores agua realizados para grupos electrógenos estan listos para salir de nuestra fábrica en Ferrara.
BAUMA 2019
Nos vemos en Múnich, 8-14 de abril, para BAUMA 2019, feria más importante del mundo para la construcción, el material de construcción y la industria de la maquinaria minera.
Visítanos en el Hall A3 - Stand 349