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Happy 74th Birthday, B&P!

Today we celebrate an extraordinary milestone: 74 years of innovation, commitment, and passion!


It was on October 19, 1950 in Suzzara when Edi Bondioli and Guido Pavesi began our Story, made of dreams, vision, and dedication, leading us to become an international reference point in power transmission.


2023 Sustainability Report

We are pleased to present the 2023 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT, a document that represents a significant step in our commitment towards a more sustainable future.


Throughout 2023, we have pursued our ESG vision by integrating responsible practices related to the three action areas— Planet, People, and Culture —into all operational and commercial activities.


Happy 73th Birthday, Bondioli & Pavesi!

"There's nothing like a dream to create the future."

On 19th October 1950, two enterprising boys dreamed big. Starting from a garage in Suzzara, Edi Bondioli and Guido Pavesi built their future which, year after year, became intertwined with the present of thousands of families.

E.D.I. wins the Systems & Components Trophy 2023!

It's official!
We won the Systems & Components Trophy 2023 – Engineers' Choice, the competition organized by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) that honors agricultural machinery supplier most innovative systems and components.

Our driveshaft E.D.I. is on the podium, and the award ceremony will take place on the first day of Agritechnica, Sunday 12th November, 2023.




Stay tuned!


12-18 November 2023
Hannover Messe | Germany


Bondioli & Pavesi completes the acquisition of Siboni S.r.l.Suzzara, October 9th 2023

Suzzara, October 9th 2023 - Bondioli & Pavesi is pleased to announce that on 27th September 2023 it completed the acquisition of 100% of the share capital of Siboni S.r.l., a company which specializ

Il Prefetto di Mantova visita la Bondioli & Pavesi

SUZZARA - Un’immersione nel cuore del distretto metalmeccanico del Basso mantovano per il Prefetto Gerlando Iorio, che nella mattinata di giovedì 6 aprile si è recato a Suzzara per visitare gli stabilimenti della Bondioli & Pavesi S.p.A. 

Happy Birthday, Bondioli & Pavesi!

On 19th October 1950 Edi Bondioli and Guido Pavesi gave life to a dream, which later became reality, called Bondioli & Pavesi.


Thus was born, in a disused garage in Suzzara, the extraordinary industrial adventure of the two founders, generating a story of courage, ingenuity and passion that has continued for 72 years.



Da questo mese partirà in tutti i nostri stabilimenti di Suzzara RiVending, il progetto di economia circolare con l’obiettivo di dare nuova vita a bicchieri, palette e bottigliette dei distributori automatici.
Accanto ai distributori e in alcune aree all'interno dei plant verranno posizionati degli speciali contenitori dove gettare i bicchieri e le palette in plastica e le bottigliette in PET dopo il loro utilizzo.


Works to complete Terminal plant extension are continuing in Suzzara.


A 3,000 m2 facility dedicated to an innovative and green painting system, that uses water-based paints with low environmental impact.

Photovoltaic System at CGH plant

The installation of a photovoltaic system at CGH plant in Suzzara marks a further important step for our green policy.

3,358 PV modules on an area of around 7,600 m2 produce solar energy covering more than 80% of the factory energy consumption, saving about 850 tons of CO2 a year.

Step by step, we move towards a cleaner and greener future.


Mercoledì 19 maggio saremo presenti al Career Day Digital Edition 2021, l'appuntamento organizzato dall’Università degli Studi di Ferrara per far incontrare studenti e laureati con il mondo delle imprese.

L’evento si svolgerà in modalità completamente virtuale sul canale Youtube dell'Unife, dove potrete assistere alla nostra presentazione aziendale in diretta alle 12:20 dalla Virtual Room 3.
