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Special Applications Gearboxes Brazil


Since 2000 BPN Transmisiones has invested constantly in technology and processes and can now offer machine manufacturers a wide range of high quality gears. In addition to a full range of standard gearboxes dedicated to agriculture, BPN is able to develop designs for the construction of boxes dedicated to special applications in projects developed with the most demanding of customers.

Forschung und Entwicklung

  • United we win!

    Working in our factories and choosing our products, Collaborators and Customers renew their trust in us every day.

    As a Company, we are called to a sense of responsibility honoring the trust and following the safety protocols.

    United we win.

  • Product Sheets – Aluminium heat exchangers

    The Download section of the website has the new version of the product sheets for the Aluminium heat exchangers.
    The product sheets are available in 5 languages: Italian, English, German, French and Spanish.