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Máquinas para a transformação e distribuição da forragem


up to 213 kW
at 1000 min-1


from 2,3:1
to 1:3
Gama de produtos

Para este produto estão disponíveis outros documentos em inglês.
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Pesquisa e desenvolvimento

  • Product Sheets – Aluminium heat exchangers

    The Download section of the website has the new version of the product sheets for the Aluminium heat exchangers.
    The product sheets are available in 5 languages: Italian, English, German, French and Spanish.


  • Happy Easter 2021!

    Easter is time of rebirth, renewal and hope for the future.

    Now more than ever, we look to the future with faith and enthusiasm.

    Wishing all of our Collaborators, Customers, Friends and their Families a Safe, Happy and Healthy Easter.