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Inline valves Brazil


from 20 l/min
to 150 l/min


up to 250 bar
Области применениея

Cartridge valves and inline valves are used in a wide range of applications such as agriculture, municipal, material hendling and costruction. The cartridges can be integrated in a customized block studied for specific function.

Технические характеристики

Cartridge valves are design based on standard cavity as such 9/16-18 UNF, 3/4-14 UNF, 7/8-14 UNF and 1-1/16 -12 UNF. A series of special cavity cartridges are available, customized solution can be developed on request. Inline valves are available as check, cross check, relief, flow regulator and limit switch.

исследование и разработка

  • Integrated, we are stronger

    People’s health, safety and security is - and always will be - our very first priority.

    In these challenging times, everyone has their own role to play and we are trying to do our best to meet all our stakeholders’ needs.


  • Electronic control units SMAT55 e SMAT69

    The SMAT55 and SMAT69 electronic units (respectively single and dual micro-controller) are designed to manage proportional solenoids using a PWM and ON/OFF signal in compliance with ISO 13849-1 and ISO 25119 standards.
