Tu sei qui

Welcome new COMS

Since 1950 Bondioli & Pavesi has produced roughly 30 million PTO Driveshafts and to do so used 60,000 kilometers of profile tubes, a distance that is equivalent to one and a half journey around the world. But where do all these tubes come from?


In the beginning, profile tubes were handcrafted, industrial production began in 1957 when Alberto Leonardi managed to produce a high-precision tube with a strange three-lobe shape in his drawing factory. It is a project by Edi Bondioli, a young entrepreneur from Suzzara who will begin to mount them on his agricultural driveshafts, thus bringing them to worldwide success in a few years. Many other profile tubes followed the first one and Leonardi Spa always accompanied Bondioli & Pavesi until it became part of the Group in 2014.


And today?


Today we are very proud to inaugurate a new plant in Suzzara dedicated to the production and processing of telescopic profile tubes, a key component of the agricultural PTO Driveshaft. The 6,250m2 workshop and services of the new COMS were built to assimilate the profile tubes production cycle into a single factory and will host all mechanical processing starting tube drawing that was previously carried out in the Novate Milanese plant.


However, this is not a simple transfer of machines from one warehouse to another because the new factory was designed to be innovative in terms of ENERGY management, ENVIRONMENT impact and automation in INDUSTRY 4.0 logic.



Thanks to the installation of photovoltaic panels for 330kW/h, the use of heat pumps with a high-performance factor and the use of high thermal insulation walls, the new plant is energy self-sufficient.



COMS is a zero-discharge factory. An innovative water recycling plant makes it possible to fully recover the substances used in the processes, thus eliminating the need to discharge them. Rainwater is also collected and reused in the toilets.



Product processing and handling cycles are all controlled by the Production Information System. Everything, from the electromagnetic control of the tubes to the new powerful drawing machine, is managed automatically. This system fulcrum is in the management of logistics which controls the huge tubes warehouse and the bridge cranes movements. It is a process that stems from the fourth industrial revolution and is leading to fully automated and interconnected industrial production.


So, to sum up, Welcome new COMS, or rather Welcoms!

27 Ottobre 2020

In Evidenza

Happy 73th Birthday, Bondioli & Pavesi!

"There's nothing like a dream to create the future."

On 19th October 1950, two enterprising boys dreamed big. Starting from a garage in Suzzara, Edi Bondioli and Guido Pavesi built their future which, year after year, became intertwined with the present of thousands of families.

Benvenuta Nuova COMS

Dal 1950 ad oggi Bondioli & Pavesi ha prodotto circa 30 milioni di trasmissioni cardaniche e per farlo ha usato 60.000 chilometri di tubo cardanico profilato, una distanza che equivale a una volta e mez

Grazie Edi

Nella giornata di oggi Edi Bondioli ci ha lasciati dopo una breve malattia e tutti noi ci sentiamo più soli.

Giornata Mondiale della Terra 2020

L’impegno verso l’ambiente è uno dei valori di riferimento del nostro Codice Etico.
Le attività quotidianamente svolte nei nostri stabilimenti, certificati ISO 50001 e ISO 14001, sono mirate a garantire l’efficienza energetica ed ambientale.
