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Deep Blue Cooling System

Области применениея

Cooling of high power density electric motors.

Технические характеристики

The system consists of a body that contains the electric motor and absorbs heat through a circulation of a fresh fluid. Peculiarity of this solution is the construction of body and circuit that are both formed by a series of a shaped aluminum plates joined together trough a high vacuum brazing process, the same technology developed to make the Plate and Bar radiant masses of air exchangers.


In addition to an efficient heat exchange with low pressure drops the DEEP BLUE COOLING SYSTEM© offers other points of strength. 
The cooler has no gaskets and is entirely metallic so it can work even at high temperatures. Coolers are made of plates than can be cutted in different shapes so the product is easily scalable according to the required power or size.

Last but not least the system allow to cool also the shaft bearings.

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  • B&P Academy

    Continuous training is one of our pillars. Every year our Academy organizes courses for all corporate divisions because we believe that each collaborator has to improve and acquire new skills.

  • A new trademark

    Those who have seen the latest stands at recent trade fairs or our new brochures and website will have noticed that the three-colour symbol no longer appears as part of our company trademark.
