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Power Transmission

Descrizione inglese



Drive shafts U-Joint - SFT Series


Drive shafts CV-Joints 80° | 75° - SFT Series


Drive shafts CV-Joints 50° - SFT Series


Drive shafts U-Joint - Global Series


Drive shafts CV-Joint 80° - Global Series

Drive shafts Brazil

Drive shafts China

Telescoping Members - Series SFT

Telescoping Members - Series Global

Overrunning Clutches

Torsionally Resilient Joint

One Way Ratchet Torque Limiters

Symmetricals Ratchet Torque Limiters

Shear Bolt Torque Limiter

Automatic Torque Limiter

Adjustable Friction Torque Limiters

Non-Adjustable Friction Torque Limiters

Adjustable Incorporated Overrunning Clutch Friction Torque Limiters

Non-Adjustable Incorporated Overrunning Clutch Friction Torque Limiters

Guarding System - Series SFT

Guarding Systems - Serie Global

Multifunction Gearboxes - S1000

Multifunction Gearboxes - S2000

Flail Mowers and Stalk Shredders Gearboxes - S2001

Post Hole Digger Gearboxes with Output Inverter - S2002

Post Hole Digger Gearboxes without Output Inverter - S2003

Gearboxes for rotary mowers - S3000

Gearboxes for rotary tillers - S4000

Rotary Harrows Gearboxes - S5000

Rotary Harrows Gearboxes with Gear Shift - S5000

Standard Gearboxes Brazil

Gearboxes for rotary mowers

Splitter Gearboxes


P.T.O. powered generators

Feed processing and handling machinery

Hose reels

For hydraulic pumps and motors

BR Series

Multidisc clutches with hydraulic control

Special Pump Drives

Special Applications Gearboxes

Special Applications Gearboxes Brazil

8000 Series

Drive shafts - SFT PRO Series


Gear pumps - aluminium body

Gear motors - aluminium body

Gear pumps - cast iron body

Gear Motors - cast iron body

Silent gear pumps - aluminium body

Silent gear pumps - cast iron body

Flow dividers - aluminium body

Variable displacement open circuit axial piston pumps

Closed circuit axial piston pumps

Fixed-displacement axial piston motors

Variable-displacement axial piston motors

Bent axis fixed displacement axial piston pumps

Bent axis fixed displacement axial piston motors

Bent axis variable displacement axial piston motors

Bondioli & Pavesi - Rigid coupling systems

Rigid coupling

Bondioli & Pavesi - Flexible coupling systems

Flexible coupling

Dual flow - variable displacement open circuit axial piston pumps

Gerotor Motors

Roller Motors

Radial piston motors

Solutions for

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  • Industry

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